Sunday, December 12, 2010

If You Bite It You Must Write It....

As I said in a previous post Weight Watchers has revised their program. This means looking up everything and I mean EVERYTHING I eat. One night we had ravioli's and meat balls for dinner. I calculated the calories.....13 small round ravioli's were 6 points, 1/2 cup of sauce was 2 points and 6 small meatballs were 9 points. I decided 6 smalls meatballs weren't worth 9 points so I ate 4 instead and it was 6 points. Still a nice filling meal for 14 points....not too bad. I have been very diligent about writing down everything I eat. Usually, I spend about 15 minutes in the morning calculating what I am going to eat that day, This involves planning. I do try and switch things up. I also figure in what I am having for dinner. At the end of the day, I add back the points I didn't eat during the day but had written in my journal and that gives me a little more flexibility in the evening.

The difference is writing every bite.....

I used to not take into consideration the 1/2 slice of cheese I would eat while making lunch or that occasional I do. It has been very interesting....14 french fries equal 6 points.....98% fat free hot dogs are 1 point each. Fruit and veggies for the most part are 0 points but like they said at the meeting that doesn't mean you eat 10 banana's in a day. The hard part is things like my vitatops and 100 calorie coffee cake treats are now 3 points which makes me think twice before having them.

Yesterday, I has breakfast at Cracker Barrel for 15 points. Now that may sound like a lot of points but it wasn't when you consider I didn't eat anything else until dinner......which was WW lasagna. For breakfast I had grits, 2 turkey sausage, 2 eggs over easy (I even asked to have them made with cooking spray vs. butter- another first for me) and even had hash brown casserole.....that's a lot of food and kept me full until dinner.

So the revised program is a challenge and some work but that's has helped me refocus. Week 2 here I come......

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