Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve Work Out At The Gym

I met with my trainer, Carol, at the gym on Christmas Eve morning. I wanted to get at least one more workout in before the holiday.

WOW.....a year ago I wouldn't have worried about trying to get on more training session in but that is how my life has changed in a year. I worked hard and was sweating a lot when we were finished. We spent a few minutes talking about my progress in the last year.

Carol talked about how we started in the Yoga room by ourselves with me just walking back and forth carrying weights. Move ahead 11 months and here I am doing the stepper, dead lifts, squats, water aerobics, elliptical and a variety of other things I didn't think were possible. Along with some weight loss (not hitting my personal goal but that is OK) I know I am one the right path and will continue into 2011.

Last year, I headed into the holidays knowing I had to make some changes or else (not going to say what the or else was....don't want to go there). This year, I have headed into the holidays with HOPE and the belief that I CAN ......

Can do what? Not to sound cocky but whatever I want to....I believe in me and that is all that really matters !!!!!

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