Sunday, December 26, 2010

So How Is the NEW Weight Watchers Program Working?

I am writing and writing and writing everything I eat. It sure does take a lot of work !!! Week 2 of trying to make the writing of ALL foods I eat a part of my daily life. So far I haven't missed a day. I feel really good about the new program and points. Now I see a recipe and whip out my new calculator to see if it is worth the points. There are definitely times when I say NO WAY I am wasting points on this or that....

I have even been able to fit in an occasional Christmas cookie....yes I used the singular form.....cookie....not cookies. I even made the conscious decision to not make my favorite holiday cookie....Walnut Slices. Since no one else in the house likes them or can eat them (due to allergies), I would be the only one eating them and that would just be setting up myself for disaster. Those cookies have a way of calling my name !!!!

I even did something more surprising......I threw away a pumpkin pie. I bought it with the intention of eating just one would have been 9 points. Which I could have had using the bonus points.....I kept saying maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow....well guess what?? Tomorrow didn't I pitched it. Major change.....not something I would have done in the past.

This may be a no brainer for some but for me.....a small change that can make for a huge difference overall......

OH BTW.....week 2....another good loss at the scale.

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