Monday, December 6, 2010

Black Friday

Up at 3:00 AM on Black Target by 4:00 AM. The line for the electronics department is sssssooooo long. I really wanted the flip cam.....originally price $98.....on sale for $49.

How long did I stand in that line you may ask........

2 flippin' hours !!!!!!

Yes, I wanted the camera but not that bad. It became a game for me or should I say a challenge...I wanted to see how long I could stand.....OK I did have a shopping cart to lean on. I used it while I balanced on one leg then the other. I did squats right there in the aisle of Target. I stood on my toes and on my heels. I stretched my arms forward and stood on one leg using the cart as my stabilizer.

There is no way I could have done this a year ago. By the time I left the store a little after 6AM, my knees ached and I felt like they might lock up.

It was a good ache though......

I may have walked stiffly to the car but the Donna inside me.....definitely walked with a real spring in her step......she might have even clicked her heels as she jumped in the air......

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