Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Can't Size _ Be Size _ In All Clothes ??

I saw a pretty shirt in a catalog. I ordered it in the size I am now wearing.......guess what.... I got it over my head, past my shoulders, even over the girls and then it stopped. It was a very fitted top. When we got near my waist and hips I could tell there was no way the shirt was going to complete its journey......oh well....

I returned the shirt, I could have ordered it in a larger size but then decided I didn't like the DAMN shirt. OK how is that for rational thinking .....duh??

In all honestly, the shirt turned out to be sheer and I would have had to wear a tank top underneath it (have I chased away all the men who read my blog.....LOL)..... dear Lord I am no way ready to wear 2 shirts at once.....

The problem with the range of fit in each size is a universal problem whether you are a size 6 or a size _ (you didn't think I would really put my size did you????)

I have to pick clothes that work with my body type. Where I am not ready for very form fitting clothes.....I am starting to lean towards brighter and bolder colors.....a la Lanie Kazan....I love that she is not a small person but yet she finds vibrant prints and her clothes make a statement.

As I move down in size ( note I did not say if I move down)....I may be able to go for more form fitting clothes but until that time.....I will go with a style I feel good in....just adding some color and designs vs. my normal solid color tops.....I will not...I repeat....will never wear slacks with bold matter how good I might look there are limits to what I would wear.....

Me in any kind of print funny.....don't want to go there visually.....LOL.....I won't even wear underwear with print designs......LMAO......ok that last statement should have driven everyone away from this anyone out there??????

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