Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Is Moving Furniture Considered A Workout??

I may not have gone to the gym but I definitely had a workout yesterday.....

Emptying 3 closets and one bedroom in a short period of time is definitely a workout. Lifting, dragging, carrying.....reminds me of the gym.

I was tired when it was all said and done. Knowing next week or the week after I will have to do the return trip thrills me beyond belief.......NOT.

Tomorrow I am going to the gym.....at least at the gym I can get away from the the lovely view of my living room........

So sad I am looking forward to going to the gym so I can get away from my chaotic house.....

I don't do well with clutter especially when it is sitting in the middle of my living room......

Wonder if I should create a DVD.....Moving Like You Are Moving ...Furniture that is.....picture me lugging things across the screen...lamps, tables, TV's, boxes.....LOL......did you ever see the episode of I Love Lucy where Fred starts out carrying a plant across the stage? He keeps going back and forth and the plant gets larger and larger until he is carrying a palm tree. Maybe I can start by carrying something small like a ring box and by the end a dresser......might be pretty funny.....well at least to me.....after the last 2 days my sense of humor may be the only thing keeping me from losing not just weight but my mind......

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