Sunday, February 13, 2011

Could I go Vegan???

I learned about the difference between vegan and vegetarian this week. Oprah did a show about it.

There is no way I could go vegan.....give up my beloved CHEESE......never!! I could probably be a vegetarian. We don't eat beef that often any more. I am a little confused about the "can I eat poultry or fish part". I love veggies so no problem there but don't know if I could totally commit. Plus, I would have to make 2 sets of meals because my family would not be happy with the changes required for this lifestyle.

Could a be a kinda vegetarian? Maybe.....I will have to investigate and decide. I am already sort of headed that way. Lots of fruit and veggies.....not much beef any more....use a lot of ground turkey, turkey pastrami,turkey bacon, turkey salami and turkey pepperoni...... Could I allow myself the occasional steak or pork chop? I don't want to commit to something and fall short......I have done that too many times before.

Something new to think about....a lot of questions and no solid answers. Sounds like most of my journey.....I am working to figure out the pieces of the puzzle. I am not very good at puzzles and do not have a great deal of patience trying to fit the pieces together.

BUT I think I am at a point where I have finished the frame.....the outside edges of the puzzle. Time to work on all the pieces in the middle......

Here I go....twisting and turning the pieces....looking for something that can be frustrating, aggravating, take time, but when it is completed so rewarding......I am trying to figure out me......

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