Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Leg.....Part 2

I called into work sick Friday. I have only called in sick 2 times in 12 years!!! The other time was because I had been bit by a spider and my leg swelled up.

I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. I walked around for 4 days with a broken arm (I thought I had just banged it bad when I took a fall)before I went to the Dr. to have it checked and ended up in a cast from my shoulder to my hand. Even that day I called work and said I would be in after the orthopedist but my manager told me to go home instead of coming into the office. So does that count as a day I called in I planned to go to work.

Anyway.....those of you who know me well know I do not do Doctor's or call in sick unless ......well has to be....extreme pain. And this was...

The other thing the Dr. mentioned is to watch my leg for swelling, if it feels really hot or really cold....what for I ask?? In case, it is a blood clot!! A blood clot??? Great !!! Now I start checking my leg ever 15 minutes....

Fortunately, it does not swell or get hot or cold....

Fortunaley, the pain med's do their job....

Fortunately, within 24 hours of my doctor visit....the pain level is down to 2-3 range....

Fortunately, I do not have to take the steroids (which can make you jumpy and want to eat carb's)....for those of you who have never seen me after a few cups of regular don't know what a blessing it is for me not to be jumpy!!!

I decide to follow the dr's orders and lay low for the week-end.....I sure didn't want the pain level to increase again.

I manage to stretch out the time between med's....but last night had to give in and take them again....I hate taking medicine!!!

It is Sunday morning and I am greatful to be able to sit at my computer and type this entry....yes, I took some med's this morning.....

I know there are people who for one reason or another walk around or live in constant pain....I don't know how they do it....

I feel like a weenie for complaining about the pain the last few days....I am also eternally grateful to Mr. Tylenol and Mr. Codiene....I owe you guys...

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