Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sharing At The Meetings......

One of the good things about going to the Weight Watcher meetings is hearing info from the other members. New recipes, what works and what doesn't. With the new points program many types of bread have gone up in points so I have been steering clear of them. While chatting with one of the ladies sitting next to me, she told me about Extreme Wellness Flat Bread (1 point) and the whole wheat and spinach herb options are very good. I searched for them at Publix without any success but will keep looking for them.

Kay, our meeting leader, keeps us laughing and motivated. If you are a regular and you miss some can expect a post card from Kay checking in. If she knows you have had a hard week, chances are you will get a phone call. When I had 2 bad weeks in a row a while back, Kay tracked me down and let a cryptic message on my answering machine at home. "Hi Donna, It's Kay, your Saturday morning buddy. Here's my number give me a call..." I told her at the meeting next week how much I appreciated her call. I also told her I thought it was funny how she identified herself on the answering machine. She said "I didn't know who might hear the message and she was trying to protect my privacy" I really appreciated her thoughtfulness.

Some of Kay's good advice:

The weeks you need the meeting.
The weeks you lose.....the meeting needs you.
All points are NOT created equal.

That last piece of advice has stuck with me. I am allocated a certain amount of points each day and bonus points for the week. I can also earn activity points for exercising (I do not use those activity points). Back to the points....for example....I could eat a candy bar for 6 points or a salad with chicken for 6 points. Although they are the same amount of points, the wiser choice would be the salad with chicken. I try to think about my choices and pick the right options.

This week I went to Ruby Tuesday for a business lunch. Guess what I did before I went??.......I googled Ruby Tuesday's and checked out the menu. I was able to decide what I would have before I made lunch so much easier and I was able to allocate my points appropriately.

This month there will be a birthday brunch at work. I am already searching out recipes from my different weight loss/healthy option websites so I can make something I can enjoy.

A team ice cream social is coming up this week....I will bring something low in fat and calories and maybe a Weight Watcher dessert for myself.

Like Kay says it's all about planning......

I continue to plan, write it all down, take one day at a time......sometimes one meal at a time.....I am doing the best I on I go.....

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