Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Have Grown Taller......Inside

As I look for physical changes along my path of losing weight, eating healthier and maintaining a healthy lifestyle......I have to look at how I have changed inside too.

While the scales are still either my friend or enemy depending on the dreaded weigh-in each Saturday.....(the last 3 weeks the scale has been my friend.....sticking with my rule of not saying how much but suffice it to say I weigh less now than I have in 5 years!!!).....I am also changing on the inside.

I believe... it is the inside that takes the biggest beating. Being told "I don't know why you bother with the gym.....I don't see any improvement"....really hurts and I still am not strong enough emotionally to let those kind of words bounce off of me. On the outside, I may appear confident to those who don't know me well or some of those who do.....but the years of beating myself up and allowing others to beat me up has taken it's toll. It is not something I can fix over night.

The outside of me may get there long before the inside does.....

I watched a movie a long time ago about a teenager going to visit her estranged father for a summer. By the time she was ready to return home, her father's girlfriend said to her "Have you grown this seem taller." To which the teenager replied " I have grown taller.....inside"

That is another part of my journey I need to deal with.....while the outside gets smaller......slowly but surely I am growing.....inside....

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