Sunday, February 6, 2011

On the Elliptical All By Myself...

It took 6 months of healing but I am finally able to go back on the elliptical without Carol standing next to me correcting my posture. So far my hip doesn't hurt (oh no..... is that like saying there is no traffic??). I am very excited because I know my time on the elliptical is pure cardio and that is what I need. We did the stepper using the riser and I did pretty well. Drank lots of water. No real breaks in the workout. When we were done, Carol said she would meet me upstairs to sign in. In the past, I took the elevator from being so worn out. This time I took the stairs. It is three flights of about 12-15 stairs ( I am guessing, next time I will count). Carol was waiting for me. When she saw me go all the way to the back of come up the last stair.....she said "You did the stairs??" I said I had....that earned me a High 5 from her. I also went back down the stairs. The problems with the stairs is 2 fold.....the line on my bifocals seems to hit right where the stair is so I have to watch my step and going up isn't too bad but going down is when I feel the difference in the length of my legs ( I am telling you one if definitely shorter than the other). But anyway I did the damn stairs.....I had said in a post last week that it was one of my goals to walk further and use the stairs more often.

I do want to apologize to the traffic jam I might have caused going back down the stairs. Going up I did them like everyone else but going down it was not quite as graceful......oh is what it is!!!

I didn't use the stairs at work this week but there is always next week. I DID NOT search for close parking spots!! I parked where ever I found a spot.....OK I did not seek out the empty spot in the back of the lot but I also did not drive around for 10 minutes looking for one closer.

Baby's all about baby steps....

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