Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

By the time Jenn was 2, she knew many football signals. If someone said,"touchdown"....her arms flew up in the air, same with "timeout", "offsides" and "clipping". I have a picture of her sitting next to her Dad, baby bottle in her mouth, wearing a New York Giants shirt. The girl loves sports about as much as most guys she knows.

My dad loved football and baseball....

He and my brother stood on line many Sunday mornings at Yankee Stadium waiting to see if they could get tickets to the Giants game any given Sunday. Sometimes they got lucky and would get tickets....other times they would walk back to our Bronx apartment empty handed.

My father died on Super Bowl Sunday a year before his beloved Giants not only went to the Super Bowl for the first time.....they also won the game. I wish he could have been here to see it.

Dad was a Brooklyn Dodger fan as a kid but by the time his kids were growing up he had become a Yankee fan. I remember going to a game with my parents, brother Greg and several of Greg's friends for his birthday. It was one of those games where the Yankees were battling with Boston for 1st place. It was the comeback year for the Yankees after years of not making it to the post season. Dad was a good sport and took the kids over to wait while the players walked out of the stadium. He enjoyed seeing the players leave as much as the kids did.....

So today as I watch the game.....I will be thinking of Dad.....

Then comes the next big issue......what to eat?? even if you are not going to a Super Bowl party or a bar to watch the game.....I still feel a need to make some special treats....

Shrimp is a good option....low in points.
Low fat sour cream mixed with a package of fiesta dip to eat with cukes....another good option.
Marinated mushrooms.....yum....a freebie in the points dept. now I have my game plan to offset the pizza bagels, crab cakes and anything else that might be on the menu.....

Ready, set,'s time to play ball and watch the commercials....I wish it was the Giants taking the field today....and somewhere I bet my Dad does too....

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