Sunday, February 13, 2011

Did You See Jennifer Hudson On Oprah???

OMG....I don't know if you caught Jennifer Hudson on Oprah this week....

She has lost 80 pounds.....ON WEIGHT WATCHERS !!!! She looks amazing. It was a great ad for Weight Watchers....she talked about the program, her meeting leader was there and a lot of her friends and family who have lost weight on the new program.

She talked about "diet mentality", exercise and not focusing on the numbers.

Tim Gunn was there ....he helped some of her family members with new clothes. He said something a lot of people do is continue to wear big baggy clothes as they lose weight. Maybe that is something I should think about a little more....

I tend to wear baggy clothes in order to not show how I really look.....but maybe just maybe some tops just a little more form fitting wouldn't be horrible.......maybe when I lose a little more weight....

I know I keep saying "in 5 more pounds this or 5 more pounds that" and that is the right way to go....but when I get down another 26 pounds and I will weigh less than I have in 10+ years....I am hoping to be there by June....then I will set another big goal while working on my smaller 5 pound increments....

The cardio workouts will defintely help.....

Not that losing the next 26 pounds will stop people from making fun of me or staring at me or the cruel remarks to painful to write down for all to read..... will make me feel better about myself....and isn't that all that matters???

After all it is all about me.....

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