Sunday, February 6, 2011

So Is It Harder To Turn 30, 40 or 50 ??

I guess I should start by saying......we should all be grateful to celebrate each and every birthday considering the loved ones we have all lost much too soon.

Jenn asked me last night which was harder turning 30, 40 or 50......hhhhhmmmm.

30 is a strange birthday. Something about turning 30 makes you no longer a kid.....teens and 20's left behind. Just having a "3" in front of another number makes a difference. You can still be the hero by applying a band aid, allowing ice cream for breakfast and cherish the child who plays in the laundry basket like it is a car until they fall asleep in it.

40....I referred to it as one of the few "F" words I wouldn't say......mid-life..... if I am lucky.....kind of stuck in the middle.....still raising children but now instead of practicing spelling words and learning multiplication deal with the phrase "Mom, can I use the car?"

50.....OK first of did I get here so fast???....Jenn off to college....empty nest.....time for takes a while to figure that part out when you have put everyone else first......actually 50 has been the easiest transition.....I have found it freeing......doing the things I want to do......time to read, learn a new language, work out, experiment with healthy foods, focus on getting healthy and losing weight.....working this decade to make sure I can be here for the next and the next and the next.....

Hopefully, due to the steps I am taking will all have a chance to continue reading my blog for years to come.....oh yeah, my blog....another thing I have come to enjoy.......I love to write.....I wish I had started taking it seriously years ago....whats done is done.....

I am a writer.....and think I am pretty darn good at it too.....there is no great American novel inside me.....but a few posts each week and who knows.....there may be a book there after all.....and it will be dedicated to all of family, my friends and my supporters.....

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