Sunday, February 6, 2011

Trying to Find Ways To Eat Some of My Favorite Foods

Although with the new WW Points Plus program most veggies and fruits are 0 points, Carol thinks I should stay away from some fruits. Banana's, grapes, pineapple, cantaloupe, watermelon.....are loaded with natural sugars. Although she feels the WW program is heading in the right direction now that they calculate fat, protein, carb's and fiber.....Carol wants me to also focus on sugar. She has suggested I stick with berries.....straw, blue, rasp....I am not a big raspberry or blueberry fan so strawberries it is!!

I bought a large basket of strawberries yesterday (on sale for $7....uuugghhh).Now how to eat them? I do like them plain....that is good. Now, I am trying to search for other ways to eat them.

Here is my newest brain storm.....once I find the new whole wheat flat bread for 1 point, I am going to put some peanut butter on it and slice some strawberries to add on top. My own form of PB & J.......I love PB and J!!!!... 1 point for the bread, 0 points from the strawberries and a couple of points from the PB. Not a bad idea since I love strawberry preserves. I will let you know how it tastes.

If I eat pasta....I put less in the bowl and add veggies to build up the bulk. I really enjoy the mushrooms and spinach I add.

I saw a great recipe for a soup that is thick, bulky, has lots of veggies and is low in points.....I know I will be trying that soon.

I am like a mad scientist in the kitchen....trying to figure out things I like and things that work for my goal of a healthier lifestyle.....

It's not that I don't crave some of the foods I shouldn't have.....I am just trying to find a way to have them and still eat healthy.

Am I saying a slice of carrot cake or a chocolate covered pretzel will never pass my lips again??.....NO.....that is not realistic......making healthy choices each and every day will allow me to have those occasional treats.....

Right now my life is all about choices......and I choose me......

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