Sunday, February 27, 2011

Time to Sit on the Porch and Enjoy the Day

Today, it is in the 80's. That's right February 27th and it is in the 80's. Oh the temp is going to drop back into the 60's in a day or two. I am going to spend some more time this afternoon sitting on the porch reading and listening to my IPOD. In a few months, I will be complaining about the heat and staying indoors in the air conditioning but for now I am enjoying one of those rare days where the warmth is a welcome change from the winter.

There are daffodils on my neighbors lawn and ugh there are patches of grass growing. Time to hunt for a new lawn mower.....dreading the hot summer days when the lawn will need to be mowed. Well it will be good exercise.....

You haven't lived until you see me sweating while pushing the lawn mower while wearing the lovely mask so I don't breathe in all the junk the mower kicks around.

It will burn lots or calories....and that will help the cause. What cause you might ask? The Donna is working to get healthy and live longer cause.

I will continue my quest to make me better.....but for this afternoon....I am going to sit back and relax....watching the rest of the world go by........

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