Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sometimes Life Gets In The Way

While working to pick healthy options sometimes life throws you some curve balls. This week it was one social event after the other. A retirement drop in, a managers evening out, a team lunch for a retiree and lunch with my boss.

You can plan, you can strategise, and can summon up all your will power but it is still like walking in a field of landmines.

The retirement drop in.....I just didn't eat anything, I drank 2 cups of diet ice tea. This wasn't too hard. Although I have to say the Petite Fours were screaming my name. Event #1 over......

The team lunch......this was a little harder. I tried to pick things that wouldn't hurt too bad. I piece of Stromboli, 2 deviled eggs halves, some Greek salad, a couple of chicken strips, some chicken dip, some pasta salad....not huge quantities.....normal size portions or even less. Oh and some banana pudding for dessert.....OK so I tried but might not have done to well there.....thank goodness for bonus points. Event #2 over....

Leaders evening out......3 drinks, a Caesar salad with chicken and some fried dill pickle chips (oh boy). Event #3 gone....

Lunch with the boss....I looked ahead at where we were having lunch and tried to plan. A panini with roasted peppers, artichokes, mushrooms and mozzarella. I opted for fresh fruit instead of potato or pasta salad, passed on the flavored mayo and skipped dessert. OK this was really not too bad.....Event #4 finished.

Then horror of horrors, I found out the bagel with low fat cream cheese and tomato that I thought was 8 points turned out to be 11 points!!!!

No wonder I felt like the Goodyear Blimp by Saturday. I overslept and missed my weigh-in (maybe it was a subliminal thing so I wouldn't have to weigh-in). My solution was to weigh myself on the dreaded scale I bought last month. OK just as I feared it came up with a different weight depending on where I placed it on the bathroom floor. No matter where it was....I was up on the scale......not too much but up.

I can't beat myself up about was one of those crazy week and sometimes it happens. I did the best I could. I was very aware of trying to make the right was not a total disaster because on Saturday I went to the gym and started to regroup and plan again.

Weight Watchers stresses that just because you have some bad days doesn't mean you can't just start again....

That is one thing I love about Weight allows you do-overs. Life gives us the opportunity for do-overs.....this journey I have been on has been one big do-over......

So wipe the slate I go.....ready for a week without so many challenges or choices.....the only choice I am making this week is me.....

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