Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Did I Do To My Leg ?????

I had a great workout Thursday night.....cardio, cardio, cardio. Carol trying to figure out why it is harder for me to do 12 rep's of lifting weights over my head and arms straight up while standing vs. sitting....

Anyway, I am home about 1 hour and my knee starts to ache.....then the pain starts to move up and down my leg. And I am talking pain.....on a scale of is feeling like an "8"!!! I can't sit.....the leg hurts, I can't lay down.....the leg hurts. The only way I get relief is standing up and moving my leg until it stops aching. By 11, I am in tears....I even looked up to see if there was a doc in the box such luck. Took 3 Advil and then later on Advil PM. I finally fall asleep with a heating pad on my leg the recliner.

Friday morning, I wake pain!! I think great it's over. While I am getting ready for work....the pain starts to come back. I think OK I can handle this.....I can go to work and fortunately have a Dr. appt. Friday afternoon for a cholesterol check up, I think I can wait until then....


I get about half way to work and have to pull over to the side of the road. I call Jenn for the dr. phone number. Instead of going to work I drive to the dr. office and asked to be worked in....NOW!!

I am the only one standing in the waiting room.....there are chairs but once again....I cannot sit due to the pain. I am taken to an examining room.....where I stand for 45 minutes. The Dr. comes in while I am crying and leaning on the exam table....on one leg.

She thinks it is something muscular and maybe skeletal. She prescribes Tylenol with codeine, an anti-inflammatory, a muscle relaxant and if needed steroids.

While waiting for my med's to be filled at CVS, guess what I am doing?? Standing in the parking lot next to my car.....trying to relieve the pain.

Back home...take the med's....heating pad on the leg and wait and wait and wait for the pain to go away.....finally......gradually.....the pain starts to fade. I drift off to sleep...

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