Sunday, February 27, 2011

This Journey Has No End.....

Everything works out in the end.....if it hasn't worked out for you.... it's not the end....

Love that friend Mary shared it with me a week ago. There will be no end to my journey. This is my life and I will always have to be aware of what I eat and how much I exercise. It's not like I can say I reached my goal weight and I am done.....that's right my goal.... not anyone else's goal for me. Exercise will always be a part of my life too.

I may finally feel more comfortable in my own skin but maintaining will be as big a challenge as getting to my goal.

With each entry to this blog I learn a little something about myself. It is cheap therapy. The feedback each of you has shared with me has been helpful and makes me feel more confident. When someone tells me I made them laugh about shopping for a pretty shower curtain....I feel good. Having some say "hang in are doing great!!.....has kept me going on days when I was ready to quit. Those of you who have said "you write so well".....confirm my belief that I am a writer.

These are some of the added benefits to deciding to focus on me.....getting healthy, feeling better about me, sharing my feelings with those I trust and finding out that maybe just maybe I have a gift.....writing.....

It is not often that I can say things about myself with a great deal of confidence.....but these things I know for sure.......I am a loyal friend, I care greatly about my family and friends, I have a wicked sense of humor, I get stupid when I drink too much, I occasionally lack common sense (just ask Jenn and my friend Dan and they will be more than happy to confirm this with a resounding YES), I sometimes need a kick in the butt to get motivated, I am finally getting comfortable with putting myself first, I still let cruel words or comments hurt me deeply,

and I am a writer.......

I like the sound of that........

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