Sunday, March 6, 2011

A New Game Plan- Changing Course

Work out wise this was a great week. I made it to the gym 5..... yes count 'em 5 times. I worked out in the pool 4 times and had my usual date with Carol. Before Carol and I met I did 15 minutes on the elliptical. It felt good !! My heart rate never went over 138 which is where Carol wants it to be. We did some step work and some weights.

We also spent a lot of time talking about what I am eating. The slowness of my weight loss is starting to get to me. I am finding it very difficult to go from week to week and continue on this roller coaster.

Physically, I know I am in a better place then last year. I feel good, my recent blood work showed all the right signs but my body is fighting to hold on to the fat!!!!

Carol and I talked about what food I should eliminate or at least cut down. First is sugar....gotta really watch this and cut down on it. We went over fat free foods again.....when they take out the fat they have to put something else in.....guess what it is..... sugar in a lot of cases. She wants me to cut out the white stuff..... Carol felt a good starting point is the "Eat This Not That" books. I have one already and picked up another. I don't know if I can stick to the strict regimen she is suggesting but I have to give some of it a try.

Shaking things up will take some adjusting on my part......those of you who know me well know I need time to process changes.....I have to think it through and figure out how to make the changes and how to include or eliminate certain foods.

Eating when I am hungry, not eating all the points I am allowed, counting calories.....

A couple of things Carol said really stuck with me.....
1. Just because Weight Watchers allows you the points to eat something doesn't necessarily mean you should eat it....ex. pasta in cream sauce.
2. Weighing myself daily or even weekly might not be right for me.....too many variables such as water retention, hormones., etc....Maybe I need to weight every 2 weeks or once a month so I am not obsessing about each Saturday
3. It is not good that I let what happens on Saturday morning at the scale determine my mood for the week.

So it seems I am once again on an adventure to try and find the right balance for me......the answer is out there somewhere.........the problem is I have so many questions.......

I feel as if some kind of combination of what Weight Watchers says and the changes that Carol is suggesting is a step in the right direction.

So my journey is taking a new turn in the road....once again I am the bottom of a hill......I cannot see what is on the other side.....but I am hoping once I reach the top I have come up with a food/exercise plan that is working well for me......this can be so exhausting.......but I will figure it me I will......

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