Thursday, March 17, 2011

Who Says You Can't Get A Good Workout In The Pool

I always feel like if I do not sweat I am not getting a good workout. Well let me tell you.... an hour of an intense water aerobics class can kick your butt. On Tuesday, I got in the pool early. I thought I would just do half of the water aerobics class since by the time it started...I would have been in the pool for 30 minutes already. Well, I ended up staying in the pool from 5:30-7:00. The workout was rest. We ran in the pool along the sides, swam across and then did jumping jacks across to the side so we could run again. We had to do push ups on the side of the pool, run across the pool, do 10 jumps like we were shooting basketballs, swim back across the pool and do more push-ups. We had to do several sets of each of these. We also had to do some cross country skiing and mountain climbing in the pool.....suspended. Meaning....we couldn't let our feet touch the floor. We also hung on the sides of the pool and kicked on our back and stomach. the time the class was knew you had really, really worked out!!!! I may not be dripped in sweat but my body knows I have worked hard and it is mostly cardio, cardio, cardio.......just what the trainer ordered!!!

I love being in the pool......the intensity is amazing. I drag myself out after class.....change and go home to crash. Remember when you were little and you spent a day outdoors.....the fresh air would knock you out? That is how I feel when I get out of the pool.

I am so glad I have the opportunity to get these kind of workouts in.......I am so glad I joined the gym......I am so glad that I can keep up with the I am so glad.....

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