Sunday, March 27, 2011

What Are My Real Goals

OK this I can answer easily.......

I want to be healthy enough to live to an old age. I want to be able to walk through the streets of Rome and not struggle. I want to be comfortable with the way I look and my weight. I want to buy clothes off the rack in any store. I want to not run when a camera comes out for any kind of photo's.

I want, I want, I I sound greedy? I think it is OK to be greedy when wanting the things I mentioned above. I know they are all about me but isn't that the point of this journey.

In the last week I have seen 2 old pictures of about 5-7 years ago and one almost 40 years ago. In the old photo, I see myself as a teenager laughing with some friends (even back then I stressed about my weight).....I was never as small as my other friends but I would give my right arm to be that weight again!!!! The more recent photo shows me at my worst and highest weight. When I look at that photo......I can see the improvements I have made. Although the process of losing has been extremely slow and some of you may not seem the don't lie and I can see where I have come from and will never go back to again.

I need to work on they say you didn't gain it over night, you are not going to lose it over night. I wish I could see a year or two ahead and know the progress I will have will notice I said progress......I am very sure there is no going back to where I was one year even 5 years ago.......

Eyes looking forward......marching straight ahead into a healthier future......

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