Sunday, March 27, 2011

So If You Can't Eat The White Stuff.....What Can You Eat?

I am still struggling with this one......white stuff is bad........too much sodium, fat,carbs, sugar.....all bad!!

I wander the aisles of the supermarket looking for the answers. Here are my 3 biggest problems.....
1. What can I eat when I crave something sweet that is not white, high in carbs and doesn't have a lot of fat?
2. What can I eat when I crave something salty that is not high in carbs, sodium or fat?
3. What can I eat when I crave both together?

Although, I love can't use that as a answer to the crunchy question. Don't tell me fruit for the sweet answer. And the salty and sweet together.....I can't think of anything to cover that one that wouldn't have either white stuff, fat,carbs or be loaded with sugar. Not so easy to answer my 3 questions is it???

And that is what I face on a daily basis.......questions with no answers..... I wish my life was like Jeopardy.....where I have all the answers and have to guess the questions. "Alex, the answer is....".....I had more answers and less questions........

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