Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where Would I Be If I Hadn't Started This Journey?

If I hadn't gotten fed up with my life as it was.....I might not have started this journey I am on. Everyone has that moment when they say enough is enough and mine came at the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. I realized that I was allowing me to put myself last and not taking care of me.

Now, there are people resentful of the focus I have placed on myself. Well, too bad!!!

If I hadn't gotten fed up I am sure my weight would have continued to shoot up, my numbers at the Dr.'s office would have led me down an ugly path and maybe one day very soon I wouldn't be here any more.

Fortunately, by getting fed up......I did myself a favor. Now, nothing interferes with my time at the gym, I really think about what I am eating and I accept compliments more gracefully knowing in my head I still have a long way to go.

I now have more energy because of working out at the gym.
I spend a great deal of time figuring out what foods work for me. I still have a lot to learn about foods and their effect on me but at least now I am thinking before I shove something in my mouth.
The writing thing has been such a joy to me. Sharing my blog had given me a much needed boost in my self-esteem.

Self-esteem and confidence......OK I still have a ways to go on those but this is all a work in progress.

Each day I feel more committed to, me,'s all about I being selfish? Definitely......any objections??

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