Sunday, March 27, 2011

One Year Into It And Where Am I ??

It has been a little over a year since I began this journey. So where am I now?

Down quite a lot from my all time high weight.
Working out anywhere from 3-5 times a week....most weeks at least 4 times.
I have gone 3+ miles on the ellyptcal.
I learned that the Bosu ball will not explode if I sit on it.
I am climbing stairs more than I have in ages......ok I still need to work on this since I still hit the elevator at work most days.
I no longer drive around and around looking for the closest parking spot at the stores.
I am no longer concerned or not as concerned about what people think of me at the gym.
Learning water is my friend and I need to drink more and more of it.
I love to sweat while working out.....never thought I would say that!!!!
I have learned about and tried new foods....Quinoa, Buffalo Jerky, goat cheese among others.
The store Earth Fare has become a regular stop.
I now use my steamer on a regular basis to steam veggies for lunch.
I am more open about sharing my feelings as evidenced by this blog.
I don't worry about dying all the time.

Oh, the last one ........hard writing that down.

But if I have seen all these changes in a little over a year......who knows where I will go from here? Can't wait to see.....kind of exciting waiting to see what is around the next bend in the road......

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