Sunday, March 20, 2011

Alternatives To The Gym

There are definitely ways to work out without hitting the gym.......

Last week I bought a new lawn mower. It was a discontinued model for $129. It was NOT self-propelled. It was a push model.

Yesterday, I mowed the lawn. Jenn and I took turns, by the time we were done, I was sweating. The good news is I didn't have to wear the mask I have worn before when I have mowed the lawn. The weather was great and it felt good to be outside. Last year, I wouldn't have been able to finish the yards without huffing and puffing. Even though I haven't felt too good this week I was able to handle this chore. It might not have been too wise to spending time outside doing this kind of work with all the "green/yellow" stuff in the air.

No one ever said I cornered the market in common sense......LOL

Anyway, I decided to pass on going to the gym since I had sweated out in the yard.

I plan on mowing the lawn the rest of the's a good workout, burns calories and saves me from getting frustrated when "you know who" doesn't feel like mowing the lawn or doesn't care if the lawn looks shabby.

Just call me control freak.....LOl.....that's OK......I am getting healthy and that is all that matters!!!!

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