Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Have To Live In The Real World

The hardest part of the food choices is that I don't live in a bubble. Life gets in the way. I have to make choices in situations that leave me with few options.

Friday, I went to a lunch with some co-workers......a reward for a very productive month. We went to Carolina Wings. As you can tell from the name of the place making good choices would be difficult. I was hoping there might be a petite steak on the menu and I could have that with a baked potato but no such luck. Quite a few in the group went for the salad and wing bar. I knew that wouldn't work for me. I have very little self control at a salad bar. Picking the right things, in the right quantity and knowing when to stop ladling the salad dressing on are issues I still struggle with. Add to that the wings that you can eat as much as you, no, no. I opted for the chicken wrap. I was my best option and had a limit to it......

I can't always make the perfect choice so I have to make the best choice for the situation. The real world means there are times when I will have an occasional splurge. I may share a dessert with a friend. I may have a drink at a social event. I may have a little larger portion of something I don't get to eat very often. My life is filled with so many no's or my choosing not to have something but on some occasions yes is part of life. I am not the type of person to say "I will never eat an Almond Joy again" (although when you think about the contents.....chocolate, almonds and coconut.....). As I have said before it is not like when I quit smoking....I did it cold turkey over 20 years ago and never looked back. BUT I didn't need cigarettes to survive......I can't say I will never eat again.

All I can do is take it one day at a time.......sometimes one meal at a time......sometimes one minute at a time.....

Unless you have fought the battle of the cannot comprehend how hard it is!!

I am no saint......never said I was perfect......I struggle all the time with choices......but I have to believe that each day I work toward making better choices.

I just wish the box of Girl Scout cookies in the pantry would stop calling my name. You might say why do you have Girl Scout cookies in the house? Well, part of the real world is that not everyone has to pass up or is willing to pass up goodies to make my life easier. And that is reality too......

Sometimes the real world sucks.......

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