Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Machines At The Gym

When I finally got to the gym Thursday after that crappy day at work, I was too late to meet with Carol. Jenn and I decided to work on some machines and weights in the ladies gym. I did squats and weights. Some of the machines I have used before but there are some that are harder for me to use since my knees would have to bend back more than I can do comfortably. Well, I finally was able to use one of wasn't pretty but with Jenn's assistance I was able to do the leg lifts.

I needed to feel successful at something on Thursday...... at least I had a small victory by using that machine.

There is another machine that I may try.......but for that one I have to lay face down liked an upside down V and bend my legs back. I am sure I will look oh so attractive laying on the machine with my butt as the high point on the machine. Oh well, I don't have to look pretty as long as the machine helps. We shall see how soon I am brave enough to give it a shot.

Next goal is to be able to use the leg lift machine without Jenn's assistance.

Stay tuned.....I will let you kn0w when I accomplish that feat........

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