Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Wish I Could Lose Weight From What I Pass Up

This entry will confirm for any of you that had any doubt......I suck at math.

If I eat the wrong things the scale goes up. Basic math....1 + 1 = 2

If I eat the right things the scale goes down. Again, basic math...........2 - 1 = 1

This is where my math skills go out the window.....

I look at something good someone is eating.....I gain weight.

I smell something good cooking.....I gain weight.

I go past something I shouldn't eat at the buffet line.....I gain weight.

Are you getting this????? Why don't I get to lose weight when I pass something up that I would LOVE to have? Doesn't it seem fair that by making the right choices and not having a Krispy Kreme Donut or passing on the homemade cake brought into the office....I should get some kind of reward other than the moral victory I may have won.

No wonder I had to spend one long summer at summer school for Algebra....the X + Y does not equal what I want it to....

I aced Geometry.....I guess that makes has to do with shapes.......

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