Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Just Should Have Skipped Wednesday and Thursday

I didn't sleep well Tuesday night. Tossed and turned.

Wednesday, I was very tired and cranky when I arrived at work. Even Mary decided it was best to steer clear of me. Poor Mary she has to sit right outside my workspace!! I got another call from my health insurance company that there was no answer yet about the appeal regarding their decision to not pay for Bob's treatments. Some things happened at work that upset me and I ended up missing my Italian class. Basically, the day sucked!!!

Thursday, I got a call that my wonderful health insurance company had turned down the 2nd appeal to pay for Bob's treatments. I told them I would be contacting an attorney and they said that an attorney wouldn't do anything until I had appealed the decision myself. I called Bob's Dr's Billing Dept and they said I could pay them in installments. At 25$ a will take at least 30 years. They will continue his treatments as needed and the bill will grow and I will continue to make payments. The balance will just grow and grow!!!!!

Now, I have to write an appeal.....want to guess what my chances are of getting a reversal of their decision.......slim to none.

I called an attorney. She needs a copy of my health insurance info from my company, Bob's medical records, the correspondence I have gotten from my health insurance co. and the letter Bob's Dr. wrote to the health insurnace company.

Oh and did I mention that according to my wonderful health insurance company....any of the money I pay the Dr. toward Bob's treatments WILL NOT count toward our deductable or out of pocket!!!!

So what are the off the Dr. over the next 100 years.......have Bob stop his treatments and hope that he doesn't have a recurrance......let them remove his bladder (I am sure my insurance company will cover that).....or if he has a recurrance not get any treatments??

UNITED HEALTHCARE.......what a wonderful company. I told them I would go to the newspapers and local TV stations about their decision. Here is the best part.....they are picking and choosing which patients they pay for their treatments. The Dr's office said they have paid for this treatment for other patients in their office. So they pick and choose who they pay for???? They also wouldn't tell me who reviewed the appeal. The Dr's office said it was an oncologist and the Dr's office requested it be reviewed by a Urologist since they would understand the treatment. United Healthcare is not complying with that request.

I told United Healthcare that next fall when it is benefits enrollment time, I will tell everyone I work with not to choose United Healthcare!!!!!

The only good thing was all of this bull$%#& did not throw me into an eating frenzy and I still made it to the gym......

United Healthcare may hold peoples lives in their hands and may not have a conscience.... they may screw with my wallet but not with my goals.......

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