Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mother Knows Best

OK this is going to be another of those entries where you are going to think......OMG what is she thinking by posting this....

Have you ever seen something in a place where it didn't belong.....something out of place and wondered how did that get there??

In the locker room at the gym, I have seen some strange things laying on the floor or a bench. The inside of a padded bra, a hair extension, one sock.....

It is also important to remember something our mothers told all of us......"make sure you always wear clean underwear because if you are in an accident the first thing they do when you get to the hospital is check your underwear for cleanliness".....

On Monday, I was off from work and went to the gym in the morning. Since I had to run errands before I got to the gym instead of putting on my bathing suit at home, I changed in the changing room at the gym. I put my stuff in my locker and went off to the pool for a workout. When I went back to the locker room when I was done, Jenn was standing there with an amused look on her face. She pointed to the bench and said "Are those your underwear?" The color drained out of my face as I realized they were mine. Where had I left them???? In the changing booth, on the floor, on the embarrassing!!! I grabbed them as quickly as I could, grabbed my other clothes and changed as quickly as possible. Fortunately, they were new, black and silky....thank goodness I had recently treated myself to some new undies.....

I got out of the locker room as quickly as I could. Jenn grinning all the way.

OK did know what you were talking about when you warned us about wearing clean underwear.........and the next time I see something in the locker room that doesn't belong there.....I am not going to make eye contact with anyone......but at least now I can understand how some very strange things have ended up on the floor or bench.

Thank goodness the only person I knew in the locker room was Jenn.....they may have been new, black and silky but let's face it size 4 they were not!!!!! many ways can I find to embarrass myself......

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