Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Am Not Normal

It is a rainy Sunday morning and we are having thunderstorms too......

Most people are taking this time to read the Sunday paper, catch up on a little extra sleep or on their way to church. What am I doing? Thinking about food. I am trying to plan what I am going to eat this week. Normal people do not have to think about food a week at a time or even a day at a time.

When they get hungry they eat. Sounds so simple...... I can't remember the last time I went through a whole day without planning my meals. Yes, it is part of my life and probably always will be. If I don't plan ahead, I make make some wrong impulsive choices. Yesterday, I went to Publix. I wanted to get some extra veggies so I can make a salad each day for lunch this week. I am going to try putting the salad together each night instead of waiting until the morning and having to rush. This week I have only one outside eating event. I am going to lunch with some co-workers on Friday. I already know what I am going to order for pathetic is that??? Some of you might think......that's good Donna, you are planning ahead.

I am thinking why oh why does it have to be this way. Why can't I just move from day to day and make decisions as they come????

It is the old famous battle of good vs. is me not wanting people to think I am a is not wanting people to see me eating something that they think I shouldn't have and saying to themselves......oh no, she has fallen off the wagon. I told you I am not normal........who worries this much about what others think........ME!!!!

OK so on Monday I will start out by having Oatmeal........

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