Thursday, March 17, 2011

St Patrick’s Day Quote

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time — a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic. “ -Adrienne Cooke

I love this quote....

I could substitute the words....focusing on me has become an enchanted time- beginning to transform my dreams into reality....sometimes feels like magic.....and sometimes feels like.....nope not going there today.....

I am very slowly transforming into the person "I" want to be. I wish I could wake up and look the way I want to and weight what I want to but then I would have missed the journey. What would I have learned??? With each day....even each hour, each minute, each second.....I learn something new about myself. You would think by my age I would know all I need to about me but in all actuality.....I feel like I am getting to know myself for the first time.

The daily struggles, the mental battles to not let others hurt me.......and finally getting to the point where if I decided to end this journey tomorrow it would be OK long as I made the decision and no one else.

I am no where near done and sometimes find it hard to see the day in the distance where I will finally say "Donna, you are where you need to be."

There are those of you who know me well enough to know I have down times......where I struggle to move even one step ahead.......but at least this time even though I have hit some pretty bumpy spots.....I have continued on.

It hasn't been magic, all smoke and mirrors but it has been a like the spring .....a fresh start......

We all have things we would like to change about ourselves......mine just happen to by of a physical nature (OK, OK I know some of you are thinking ....of a mental nature too) is hard when mine are so notice them as soon as I walk in the room......that can be more difficult that the changes you might have to make inside......

Well Spring is here and the time has changed (OK the time change is still screwing me up in the morning)......time to begin again.....time to bloom.....

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