Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Made It Through A Workout Even Though I Felt LIke......

The official sign of Spring in South Carolina is the arrival of the "green/yellow stuff" on your car. When it rains, it runs off your car and down the driveway.

I hate the "green stuff" !!! This week it hit me like a ton of bricks......uugghh!! My head felt like it was going to explode. My nose was running constantly. My eyes were tearing. And over all I felt lousy!!!

It didn't want to miss my time with Carol at the gym. I texted her and told her I didn't feel well enough to do the elliptical but still wanted to have my training session.

We met and got started. I did weights, the stepper, squats and lifts. I sweated earlier and more profusely than I usually do but that was due to feeling like crap. I made it through our whole workout and drank 24 ounces of water in the process. I was so pleased with myself for fighting through the lousy feelings and getting it done!!

The old Donna....would have texted Carol and bailed on the training session. The new and improved Donna.....sucked it up and felt accomplished at the end.

I an getting to like the new Donna.....

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