Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Don't Want To Go Backward

Due to the leg issue, I had to adjust my workouts last week. On Tuesday, I went to a water aerobics class. Once my leg started to hurt.....I just stood on my good leg and kept going. Thursday, I was ready to work out about 15 minutes before my scheduled appointment with Carol. The elliptical was empty so I thought....OK I will give this a try but take it real slow. I was on it almost 10 minutes when I heard a voice behind me say "What are you doing on that?" I turned around and Carol was standing there. I told her I was taking it easy but I wanted to at least spend 10 minutes on the elliptical. She waited while I finished. She has read this blog so she knew I had had some issues with my leg. We talked about what had happened. The rest of my workout consisted of using stepper today.

I have to admit I was afraid I would hurt my leg again. Fortunately, I felt OK when I left the gym. When I got home I was waiting for the pain to start again.....there was some aching but no where near as bad as last week.

On Saturday and Sunday, I did laps in the pool.

My biggest fear was not about blood clots or the pain or the med' was the fear of NOT being able to exercise......that's right.....the fear of NOT being able to continue my workouts!!!!

Well, I only missed last weekend at the gym and was back exercising by Tuesday. Maybe all the work at the gym in the last year helped to speed up my recovery.

I won't look backward......I won't go backward.....the only direction for me is straight ahead...

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