Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why Can't Everyone Follow the Rules

The sign as you enter the pool from the locker room at my gym very clearly says "No children under 5 Years old allowed in the pool." This is not a confusing statement and is written in very plain English. So why oh why is it when I get in the pool there is an infant in the pool with their parents. Why do people feel the rules do not apply to them. All I want to do is spend 45 minutes working out and not have to listen to a child screaming and splashing.

Maybe I am getting old.....and cranky. I just want to be able to work out in solitude. Young children would never be allowed on the other floors where the adults work out....what makes their parents think the pool is any different. I kept an eye on a little girl about 4 years old because her Dad left her playing on the steps of the pool while he did laps. Although he felt it was OK to leave his daughter alone, I didn't. So while I worked out, I kept one eye on the little girl.

I understand what it is like to have a small child and want to do things with them. I took Jenn to a Mommy and Me water fun class at the YMCA when she was small. Yes, a Mommy AND me class. I didn't bring her in the pool when children were not allowed.

I pay to go to the gym to work out....not babysit. I don't think it is an unreasonable request to ask the members of the gym to abide by the rules. This is not the local swim club.....

On Saturday and Sunday, I complained to the manager....they told me to contact I will....tomorrow morning.

Am I getting old and cranky?? No, I am think I have earned the time to workout with out screaming children.....I expect the services I am paying for.....not unreasonable is it?

Oh maybe I should just invest in a pair of earplugs.....

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