Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Green Eyed Monster

It is hard for me to see some people being much more successful than me each week. I have been working at this weight loss/healthier lifestyle change for a year. Where am I now? Weight down, more active and have made so many changes in my eating habits. But each week I sit and watch people get up at Weight Watchers who have lost so much more than me. In some cases, in less time. I am sure I could come up with a list as long as my arm as to why this is such a slow process for me. I think part of it is because I need to really learn about food, fitness and good health. In the past, I have also gotten a little cocky when the weight starts coming off quickly. Then I also start to think.....I can do this by myself....and we all know where that got me in the past......weight back up and higher than where I began.

Not this time....

I know I need to focus on myself and not worry about how others are doing. It gets hard sometimes when I know how much I need to lose to get to my goal weight...... At Weight Watchers, they tell you to think 5 pounds at a time and it makes sense......if I think about how far I have to go......I would quit now.

Here is a very cool quote: “So many of our dreams at first seems impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” - Christopher Reeve

OK I am summoning the will......hopefully the rest will follow......

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