Sunday, January 30, 2011

It Is Not Cheap Eating Healthy....

I find it frustrating that to eat healthy costs a lot more than to not eat healthy. A box of Mac and Cheese 34 cents. A head of cabbage.....99 cents pound !!! I wanted cabbage today for my steamer but decided against it since there were no small heads and the sign said that ridiculous price. I was not about to spend $5.00 on a head of cabbage. Just to buy the foods for my steamer costs a small mint. Add up the cost of mushrooms, broccoli, asparagus, squash, celery and gets pricey but what choice do I have? Why on earth would a veggie omelet cost $2 more because I asked for egg whites vs. eggs? Fruit is another hot button.....I buy a bowl of fruit each week so I can have some variety but it is not cheap. I can't wait for the summer and fall when a lot of this produce is in season and the prices go down. Strawberries will be in season before you know it....yum.....

I guess part of the problem is I am buying for 2 family member likes things I really can't and/or shouldn't eat. In order to keep peace in the house, I have to shop for both and then figure out a way to make it work for all of us.

So, if I want a burger I can go to the golden arches and get it for 99 cents but a salad costs a few is any wonder so many people are ....obese....fat....have health issues. Gym membership, trainer, weight watchers, healthier foods.....there is no way around it. If I want to be healthy and live longer I have to pay the piper.

Time to put the veggies in the steamer.....sure not going to waste them.....that would be like lighting a match to my money and those of you who know me well....know that would just make me crazy....

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