Saturday, January 1, 2011

Last Workout For 2010....

This entry will be a little out of order....sorry....when I get an entry idea for a blog I do not always think of the order in which I should go.....

Last Thursday, 12/30/10, last workout of the year. I climbed, bent, stretched, lifted and squatted. I was doing pretty well especially since I finally found a pair of comfortable sneakers at home. That means I will be buying a new pair of Easy Spirits since they didn't make my feel feel cramped or ache.

Anyway, back to the work out......we were doing pretty well and then Carol told me to hold a 6 pound ball between my hands with my arms stretched out in front of me and climb up and down on the stepper. I looked at her with those deer in the headlights eyes. She said "go ahead". I thought to myself, I can't do arms hurt, my legs are tired and I don't think I can hold my arms out straight and climb.....oh and I forgot I also have to breathe.....give me a break !!! Well, I did as I was told. By the time we had done all the rep's my arms felt like jelly, they were shaking and I felt like I had used every ounce of strength I had just to finish. At first I felt bad that a simple routine like that would be such a struggle but then I thought.....I DID IT !!!

My year of workouts ended on a positive note....I have learned that I don't need to compete with any one else.....all that matters is that I am making strides and I am improving from where I all that I can say yes.... I am making strides, yes.... I have improved a lot from where I started and yes.... I can truly say I am looking forward to the new challenges at the gym during 2011....I hope Carol, my trainer didn't read this.....LOL......OK Carol... bring it on !!!!

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