Sunday, January 30, 2011

What a workout !!!

Thursday night I met Carol at the gym. We started with 10 minutes on the elliptical (yeah!!!). We moved to the stepper including a riser. What happens when I take my first step.....I catch my sneaker. In my head I am thinking....OMG....I am going to fall....the 2nd riser is too alert, red alert Donna is a klutz.....she broke her arm a few years ago tripping over a basketball at a basketball game!!!! Carol just stood there looked at me, made sure the risers were properly placed and even jumped on it for good measure. So I take my first step and surprise, surprise, surprise....I make it up and down and up and down and up and down.....over and over again. Then we move to the weights....some of those suckers were really heavy!!! Back to the stepper....tap, tap, climb, climb..... Breathe through your nose not your mouth. Why oh why is that so hard to do??? I inhale and exhale but the nose thing is such an effort. By the time the workout is done.....I am not only dripping with sweat but I am also pretty proud of myself. Except for drinking water and stopping to wipe off the sweat, I have kept moving the whole time.

Carol thinks I probably burned a few hundred calories. Weight Watchers gives you credit for "activity" (they don't use the word exercise). I don't add those in to my daily points for extra food. I just consider it calories burned.

I am hoping to get to the gym at least 4 maybe 5 times this week ( I am off Monday so that makes it easier). A couple of times in the pool (since they regulated the temp) and a few sessions on the elliptical. I have to focus on calorie burn....

This week Weight Watchers talked about alternatives to getting your activity points in.....parking the car farther away from where ever you are going, stairs vs. elevator....

I am going to try the stair is only 2 flights at the office but 2 flights everyday....sometimes more than once a day. And I will make every effort to not drive around the parking lot (no matter where I am) again and again looking for a closer spot.

I will TRY.....but if you see me in the elevator or pulling into an up front parking pointing at me and saying "I thought you were going to....."

OK so that is my new goal....more steps....walking and specific number....just more each day than I usually do.....I am trying....really trying......really....

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