Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Sunday New York Times

A while ago I did a list of some good things from my week. Here is one from this week. And you know what I love about it? It is not weight or health related. Sometimes I have to remember to think about things other than what I am eating and how many calories I am burning.....

Last Sunday, I tried downloading the Sunday New York Times onto my Kindle. It cost a big 99 cents. I love the NY Times.....the Book Review, the Arts and Leisure section, the Travel section....

I know there are those of you who will remind me of their liberal slant....I know, I know. But there is something wonderful about reading a newspaper that uses big words that I have to look up!!! I am not being snobby or elitist.....there is just something comforting about sitting in my recliner and reading about far off places and controversial spending time with a good friend.

But now it is even better.....I can down load it in less than a minute and when I read the articles they are in order and complete. People complain because the Times Crossword puzzle isn't there....I never did it any way. Some complain the ads are not there....once again not an issue for me.

I only buy the Sunday edition because it usually takes me a week to read it all....LOL....that last statement shows you I am no rocket scientist....but the Sunday Times on my is good !!!!

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