Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lunch with the Ladies and Italian Lessons

As I try to focus on good things that are not always weight and health related here are two more from last week.....

It had been ages since I had lunch with Kathy, Debbie and Debra. Last Sunday, we finally met. The nice part about old friends is that you can just pick up your conversation mid-sentence. You can catch up and move forward all within a few minutes. As I shared with all of you last Saturday was not a great day for me. By Sunday, I was still struggling and not quite ready to move on. Did I want to go to lunch? Should I stay home and feel sorry for myself? I finally decided that lunch with the girls might be good for me. And it was....

The conversation moved from the kids, to Kathy's trip to Poland, to hair color, to the holidays......and on and on.....

Going to lunch with the girls.....just what the Dr. ordered. Can't wait to do it again !!!!

The second thing was starting Italian Lessons....

Can I speak a work of Italian? No
Can I understand a word of Italian? No

A very kind lady from the Sons of Italy has offered to teach Wednesday night, Jenn and I headed of to Marika's house. Most of you know this is way out of my comfort zone. Going to a strangers house to learn a foreign language. I was never the greatest student so I was a little intimdated. Off we went with our notebooks and Italian/English dictionary. We started off by going to the wrong house.....not the best start. There were 7 people present. All at varying skill levels but that was fine. Marika went over some history of the country and told us about where each of our families came from.....that was interesting. We began with the real basic....pronouncing vowels. I wrote as much as I could will make it easier for me later on. I also came home and ordered my textbook.....a big 75 cost more to ship it!!

I will keep you informed about my progress....this should be interesting!! A while back I posted I wanted to continue working out so I could go to Italy and be able to do all the walking required to really take in all that Italy offers. Well now I will be able to communicate while there...

To stand in front of Trevi see the Sistine climb into a gondola in Venice.....part of my dreams.....eating healthy and exercising will make it possible...and at least for today.....that is why I continue my journey....


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