Monday, January 10, 2011

Cooking Up A Storm on a SNOW DAY !!!

Today was one of those rare snow days. Work was closed. I had gotten all of my chores done over the week-end so I could do what I wanted today.

What did I decide to do?? Cook.

I made a pot of sauce. Nothing like the homemade kind....yum !!!

I made Weight Watchers Pumpkin easy but so good !!!

I made some Weight Watchers Pasta Salad....this will be great with my lunches for the rest of the week....just add some tuna, chicken or lean ham.

Then drum roll please......

I decided to see how my rice and veggie steamer works. Over the week-end I bought mushrooms, celery, snow peas, broccoli and squash (both yellow and green). I decided to try just the veggie steamer part and not do the rice. I read the instruction manual (those of you who know me well know this is a step I usually skip....LOL). Well, to tell you the truth it was so darn easy. the hardest part was cutting up the veggies. OK I did go a little over board and had to do the veggies in three batches but still it was so cool. I bought some low sodium teriyaki to put on the veggies to add a little something extra.

I am very excited....this was one of my New Years resolutions to try something new with food. So one resolution already checked off. I will continue to use the steamer and see what else I can create. I bought brown rice and maybe just maybe will buy some shrimp or a piece of fish I can steam....oh the possibilities are endless.

Things like trying out the veggie steamer are important because it gives me a jump start....something new to prevents me from getting bored. I am trying to keep up my interest.....boredom can be a death sentence to all my efforts.

So if a veggie steamer is what it takes to keep me pumped and on be it....I will continue to search for new and exciting items, foods or recipes....I need the motivation....

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