Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Resolutions

I have made a list of resolutions for the coming year. Last year, I did pretty well sticking to them.....going to the gym on a regular basis, eating healthier, working at my weight, reading more, more focus on me.

Here is the list for 2011:
1. Continue to explore healthier food options- more trying new foods at Earth Fare, using my new rice and veggie steamer, picking foods higher in fiber and lower in sugar and carbs
2. Kick it up a notch at the gym - ok this one is scary if Carol, my trainer, reads this...LOL
3. Get something I write published
4. Continue blog- I have almost 100 posts now
5. Weigh less at the end of the year than the beginning
6. Go on a fun trip
7. Read more- easy with a Kindle
8. More time with friends and family- pure fun
9. Laugh more-especially at work (this could take up my whole resolution list)
10.Keep putting me at the top of the list- continue to make me a priority
11.Keep at least 5 of the resolutions

Hey it's Jan 1st and I have already done #1, 4 7, 8 and 11.....only 364 days to go!!!

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