Sunday, January 23, 2011

Facing the Scales...

After the last 2 disastrous weigh-ins, I was concerned about how I would do this week. On the way to my meeting, once again I thought about what would be a good weight loss? If I am down anything at all would be OK...not!! I have been working so hard I needed to see a good number. I had weighed myself during the week on that dreaded scale I bought a few weeks back (see post about buying a scale for the house). It kept showing I was down but it had shown that last week and we all know how that turned out....

I have been really focusing on veggies, veggies, veggies and fruit, fruit fruit.

Please dear God let me not have gained again !!!!!!

Whew.....I was down at the scales....and a good amount!!!!

I know that I keep saying it is not all about the scale....AND IT IS NOT....but at least I didn't see the number going up.

I shared my blog entry from last week with my meeting leader, Kay. I will love getting her feedback.

The new program still poses some challenges....this week I found out the Egg Drop Soup that used to be 1 point per cup is now 3 points per cup. The point value on steamed dumplings has gone up too.....I have to remember to check EVERYTHING I eat to make sure I know the points values....I cannot assume any more....

Well at least for the day.....I felt positive....the problem is.....I am only a week away from my next weigh in.....

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