Sunday, January 16, 2011

Yesterday Was Rough....

I cried more yesterday than I have in a long time....

I went to Weight Watchers and was up a pound. That equals 4 sticks of butter!!! I didn't stay for the meeting....I just couldn't. I cried all the way home. I cried for an hour when I got home (I was ironing while I the time wasn't a total waste). I was so upset and frustrated.

I worked out at the gym twice (thank you snowstorm for preventing me from getting to the gym ....that is sarcasm in case you can't read between my lines). I wrote down everything I ate.

I wanted to throw in the towel. OK so I will stay fat and die early.....what does it matter. No, I have not changed my mind about gastric bypass surgery!!! No, I am not willing to be a contestant on the Biggest Loser!!!! This is my private war and yesterday I lost a battle....

I spent so much of the day trying to regroup. I went for a pedicure. I went to Publix and bought a new variety of veggies for the steamer (asparagus, cabbage, onions, bean sprouts and water chestnuts). I also bought some grapes (at $2.49 a pound). I even splurged on a pound of shrimp to try in the steamer.

Even with all my best attempts to improve my mood and Jenn's encouragements....I still head a voice in the back of my head saying "You are a will always be fat." Very, very painful....

Did I blow the day by eating what I shouldn't? NO. Not that I didn't think about it.

This was one of the worst day I have had in a long, long time....

What I need is .....I am not sure.....but I do know I do not need more advice.....I am up to my eyeballs with advice. I guess I just am asking for encouragement. No, I am not asking anyone to join my pity party and say "Oh Donna, it's OK." I need "Donna, I know you can do it." or "Donna, hang in there you are doing OK" or "My Donna, your ear lobes are looking thinner."

I need my cheering section.....

This is my private war to get healthier but I decided to make it public by writing this blog. I think you will agree most times my entries are positive and upbeat. So please allow me this entry to be just a little down.

Today is a new day and I didn't screw up yesterday (eating wise). So here I go again into battle....chasing my demons away....

Take notice: THIS IS A WAR I FULLY INTEND TO day at a time....

1 comment:

  1. I have to comment cuz I think you need to are one of the most encouraging ~ uplifting people I know....I wish I had your ability to be so strong....I will be attempting my own "get healthy" lifestyle for me, greg and the kids and thanks to you...I believe we can be healthier too!!! Thanks for sharing...always an inspiration!q
