Saturday, January 1, 2011

Everyone Deserves A Chance To Fly....

My favorite musical is Wicked. It is the story of the Wicked Witch of the West before she became mean. There are those of you who might think I would be perfect for the part....

Anyway, in the play the Wizard of Oz tells Elphaba (the name of the Wicked Witch of the West) that "Everyone deserves a chance to fly."

I love that line....kind of reminds me of what I am trying to accomplish when I work out or as I follow the Weight Watchers program. I have been held down so long by it is my time to try and fly.

I have been weighted down by others words, looks, opinions and yes, when you hear the negatives long enough you start to believe what you hear. When you hear the whispers or laughter and know it is directed at can be devastating. You hurt in a way you didn't think was possible.

The words and cruel remarks don't hurt quite as much as the used to because now I am starting to feel good about me. I still feel the stares and hear the giggles as I walk by but I have to believe that if any of those people could walk in my shoes for just one day they would feel or react differently,

Each step I climb at the gym, each treat I pass up, each ounce I lose brings me closer to the person I know I can be.....this is not a vanity trip ....although it would be nice to shop off the rack of any store.... it is more about good health and a long life.

When I leave the gym or Weight Watchers meeting and have been successful, my step is just a little lighter....if I have a rough week at the scales I do not let it weigh me down (no pun intended)....I now think....I will do better next week....

I am no longer Jacob Marley who carried the chains that he forged in life.....I am more life Elphaba....misunderstood, tried to do good, but things didn't always turn out right....

I deserve a chance to fly and defy gravity.....that is what I am working on this year.....get ready and watch me soar...

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