Sunday, January 16, 2011

Back to the Elliptical

I worked out with Carol Thursday and she gave me some good news....

I can get back on the elliptical.....WOO HOO !!!! I have missed it so much !!! Several months ago I hurt my hip and it made using that machine painful. Carol has made me stay away in order to give my hip time to heal. Now that the pain is gone next Thursday part of our workout will consist of the elliptical and me. Carol wants to make sure I am using it correctly.....not learning too much to one side or the other....core muscles lined up....not slouching over...etc.

She feels if I can get on the elliptical a couple of times a week it will help my weight loss. Cardio, cardio, cardio.....

I am very excited and looking forward to Thursday....let's see how I feel on Friday...

Carol said she was going to shake up my workouts this year.....getting back on the elliptical is one of those shake ups.....she said we need to change things up so my body doesn't get used to our workout routines....a year ago I never knew the title of this blog entry would make me so happy....

Wish me luck and say a prayer for no hip pain....I really want to be able to do this and burn more calories....

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