Saturday, January 1, 2011

Put the oxygen mask on yourself then the kids

I heard someone say on TV today that the advice given on an airplane is that if the oxygen masks fall put yours on first then help your children put on theirs. Human nature is to take care of the children first and then ourselves. We get so conditioned to putting ourselves last that even when are children are grown we forget to put ourselves first.

I really have had to focus on me. I have even had people criticize me for trying to put myself at the head of the line. When people are used to hearing you say "Oh I don't mind waiting" or " "Go ahead of me" or "I don't want it you can have it" or "You take it I don't mind", they have a heard time hearing you say, "I am focusing on me" or "Yes, it is all about me" or "I want to do this for me".

I spent last year trying to feel comfortable standing at the front of the line. I feel I have earned the right to focus on myself. Sounds confident... right? Then why the hell do I feel so guilty????

It's not like I have a young child at home. I have a very self-sufficient grown daughter. My husband is used to being catered to but you know what?? That needs to change. I cannot fully focus on me if he feels the focus should be on him. For a change, I need to be the center of my own universe. How selfish that sounds....but if I don't do it now.... then when??? It's not like I am hiding money, or doing extravagent things for me and no one else. Unless you consider the gym and Weight Watchers big extravagances.....I call then necessities. They are necessary for me to become the person I should have or could have been if I hadn't gotten lost in the shuffle.

OK is time for me to put on my oxygen mask and take a deep breath...ready, set, go...

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