Monday, January 10, 2011

So I Thought I Did Well Over The Holidays.....

I really thought I had done well over the holidays!!!! I wrote down what I ate almost everyday. I may have missed a day or two or three but did make a concerted effort to journal my food.....

OK so my weigh-in was a disaster. Maybe I am being just a little dramatic but I was not pleased with what I saw on the scale.

Here is how I know I am changing....

the old Donna would have cried and left Weight Watchers not staying for the meeting. That was the way I used to handle a bad week. But I decided to suck it up and stay for the meeting. Maybe I would hear something new or reinforce something I had heard before. A girl was there (much younger than me)....she has lost 100 pounds in the last year.....why can't that be's not like I am not trying !!!! She was upset she was up at the scales too. I talked to another lady who has lost 80 pounds and she was up too. Not that it really has anything to do with my lousy weigh-in. I also hadn't gotten on a scale in 3 weeks due to the holidays.I called Jenn told her what had happened. Then I decided..... OK enough of the pity party. Pick myself up and move along.

Some days I am so ready to throw in the towel.....

That is the way I felt Saturday.....

But now it's Monday....

And I am ready to recommit and refocus....

That is what my head is saying....but my heart needs a little time to follow....

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